UX Pickle

Special characters in passwords: UX best practices

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You cannot control users’ behaviour and therefore it is always best to give users the necessary controls. Passwords are currently the most universal way to authenticate. All special characters in passwords should be allowed.

In order to make passwords more secure, many websites are now requiring users to include special characters in their passwords. However, many users are still not including special characters in their passwords, because they do not know how to create them or they do not know which characters are allowed.

As a UX Designer, you should design a system that allows users to add all visible special characters. Adding visual feedback will make it easier for users to create strong passwords and will also make the passwords more secure.

Including special characters in passwords makes them more difficult to guess. In addition, including special characters can also make passwords more secure against brute force attacks.

Cybersecurity: How safe is your password? | World Economic Forum
Source: Statista

Some websites only allow users to include a limited number of special characters in their passwords. This can be confusing for users and can lead to them using weaker passwords.

UX Best Practices

Best practices for special characters in passwords:

  • Allow all special characters in passwords.
  • Encourage the use of special characters to make passwords more secure.
  • Remember that special characters can also be used to create malicious passwords.
  • Require users to use strong passwords that include a mixture of letters, numbers, and special characters.

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