UX Pickle

What is a modal dialog window?

Reading Time - 2 min

A modal dialog window is a window that pops up on top of the window that is currently active. This window blocks the user from interacting with the other window until the modal dialog window is closed.

Modal dialog windows are often used to get the user’s input or to show a message. They are very effective at getting the user’s attention because they block all other windows from being active. Note that they can be blocking or non-blocking.

enter image description here

There are a few different types of modal dialog windows. The most common type is the modal dialog window that is opened by clicking on a button. This type of modal dialog window is usually used to get the user’s input.

Another type of modal dialog window is the modal dialog window that is opened by clicking on a link. This type of modal dialog window is usually used to show a warning message.

The third type of modal dialog window is the modal dialog window that is opened by pressing the Escape key. This type of modal dialog window is usually used to show a warning message e.g., for saving your work before you ‘X’ out of it.

Usage of Modal Dialogs

There are a few things to keep in mind when using modal dialog windows:

  • First, make sure that the modal dialog window is necessary. Don’t use a modal dialog window just for the sake of using one.
  • Second, make sure that the modal dialog window is easy to use. Don’t make the user fill out a form or enter information into a text box unless it is absolutely necessary.
  • Third, make sure that the modal dialog window disappears when it is no longer needed. Don’t keep the modal dialog window open after the user has input the information that you need.

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